
Winds of change. Gen.Rex. Part2

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The Providence van races down the deserted road, towards the rising sun. Skwydd drives, Cricket still watches the monitors and Rex fiddles under a table.
'I disarmed the tracker and communications.' Rex, throws a transmitter on the dash board, 'Providence won't be able to track us, speak to us, or send any of their little messages.' The screen comes on and Black Knight is there.
'You were saying?' Skwydd says
'I hate not having my powers.' Rex mumbles, he turns to Black. 'Black Knight, you must be calling to say how embarrassed you are that a teenager escaped your maximum EVO prison. You should fire the designer.'
'Hmm, funny. Why are you running Rex? You know we'll catch you again. Save yourself the trouble and just come in. I'm sure Ceasar would be happy to have you back.'
'You're insane. The day I turn myself over to you Knight, is the day you turn EVO.'
'You've been warned.' the screen goes black. There's a silence
Skwydd breaks the silence, 'ditch the van?'
'Ditch the van.' Rex and Circe agree.

The group pushed the van into a river and made their way to the nearest gas station, to try removing the cuffs. The small station barely has any customers and the owner is too busy reading a magazine to notice the three sneak to the back garage. Inside they split up looking for anything to break the cuffs,
Rex picks up a chain saw, 'How about this, it'd cut right through the cuffs.'
'Yip and our hands too.' Skwydd comments dryly.
'It was just a suggestion.' Rex says putting the chain saw down. 'I don't see you making any.'
'Hey guys, I got it off.' the guys run to Circe whose standing there with a screw driver.
'A screw driver, seriously?' Rex says sticking the screw driver just under the light and taping it. The cuffs fall straight off. 'providence creates EVO proof cuffs and a screw driver breaks it right off. How lame is that.' Rex makes his sword while Circe helps Skwydd with his cuffs, 'ah man, that feels good. I saw a phone in front, I can call Six and holiday and organise a pick up.'

Skwydd hangs around the corner with Circe keeping watch while Rex makes the call. He stares at the old pay phone, 'wow I thought these thing would be extinct by now.' he uses his nanites on the phone and it dials Six's number. 'Six! I'm fine, no time to chat, need pick up like yesterday... yeah I know where that is... we'll be there.' he hangs up as an RV pulls into the station.
A husband, wife and son get out. Rex's recognises them from the base out in the dessert, where Rag RS first tried to kill everyone.
'Rex?' Jacob stares and smiles walking over, 'what an unexpected surprise.' they shake hands. When Jacobs, son, Caleb see's Rex he runs and hugs him. Kate joins too. She notices Circe and Skwydd on the side trying to get Rex's attention.
'Friends of yours?' she asks. Rex nods.
Caleb see's them, 'ah cool, more EVO's.' he runs to them and introduces himself.
Kate smile, 'Let me go save your friends.' she leaves Jacob and Rex.
Jacobs face turns serious, 'Rex, it isn't safe for you to be out here. Providence is on a rampage because some dangerous EVO's escaped. They say they're threatening people.'
'Yeah... That'd be me.'
'Really? Threatening people?'
Rex shrugs, 'providence has gone a little loopy.'
'Well in that case, if the owners have seen you or your friends they've probably already called it in.'
'I know, that's why we have to keep on moving.' Rex turns to walk away.
'Rex, wait. Let me at least give you some food.'
'Got any meat loaf and mash potato in your RV?'
Jacob burst out laughing, 'Unfortunately not.' he pats Rex on his back as they move to the RV.

The group says goodbye and Kate gives Circe a bag of sandwiches. Caleb high fives Skwydd, and politely shakes Circes hand, he gives Rex a big hug.
'You must visit.' he says quietly into Rex's chest
'I will. And when I do you better have mash, I want it coming out my ears.' the family laughs. Rex forms his Rex Ride and the others hop on and they hit the road.
'Nice family.' Circe shouts over the engine.
Rex Smiles, 'I know.' he says to himself.

Rex pulls off to the side of the road and the three duck into the forest hiding behind some bushes where they can still see the road.
'This is where we wait for Six.'
'You sure?'
Rex stares at him, 'Skwydd, would it kill you to be a little trusting in me, just once.'
'Time will tell.'
'Ouch.' they laugh at each other and Circe rolls her eyes.
Providence vans with sirens fly by.
'Providence must have check points everywhere.' Rex thinks out loud, 'that's gonna slow Six down.' a van pulls an RV over right across from the group. The agent gets out the van and walks to the driver's side ordering him out. Jacob steps out.
'No!' Rex gasps. The agent waves a device over Jacob, which beeps.
'You have been in contact with an EVO and you haven't reported it. You are under arrest for aiding an abetting an EVO.' Jacob tries to argue but they start cuffing him.
Rex stands up and looks at Circe and Skwydd, 'Wait here for Six.'
'Rex you can't.' Circe tries,
'I have to. That machine is picking up my nanites. I won't let Jacob take the blame for that.' He creates his water jet and flies towards the RV.
He Knocks the one agent over, lands, forms the blast cannon and shoots the providence van over. He grabs Jacob, pulling him into the RV and starts the vehicle and speeds off. Caleb hugs his dad.
'Rex,' Jacob starts, 'you gave yourself away... for us. Thank you.'
Rex shrugs like it was no big deal, 'Those providence agents are so stupid, they probably didn't even see it was me.' Sirens fill the air, along with jump jets.
An agents voice comes through speakers, 'Rex pull over. You are under arrest.'
'Yeah like I'm gonna pull over after you tell me that.' he floors the accelerator. The vans are getting closer and are opening fire. Rex looks back to see Caleb cowering under that table, the whole family in fear. 'This isn't working.' he looks at the providence van in the side mirror. The van is inches away from them. 'Jacob, I have a plan.'
Jacob shacks his head, 'no, I can't live with myself known I'm free and you're in prison.'
'Either that, or we all go to prison. Think about Caleb and Kate.' Jacob glances over to his wife and son then back at Rex, he nods. 'Ok, here's the plan.'

Black Knight is in HQ main control office. The screens are filled with the RV chase. Her phone rings.
'Rex.' she answers,
'No, this is Jacob. I have Rex.'
'I know. Hence the squad cars and jump jets perusing you.'
'Rex kidnapped me and my family, steeling our RV. He said he thought if civilians got involved you'd back off.'
'I know. But i managed to subdue him.'
Black Knight raises an eyebrow, 'How?' she asks more sceptical than anything else.
'I'm a scientist. I short circuited his nanites. I want a trade, him for mine and my families freedom.'
'What a person does to protect the people they love.' Black comments. 'On delivering Rex, you and your family are free to go, unharmed. You have my word.'
They hang up.
Jacob looks over to Rex, who handed the wheel over to Kate. Providence slowly falls back.
'You did the right thing.' Rex assures him, 'besides I get away from them all the time. It's a hero thing.'
'I'll never forget what you've done.'
'Next time just make sure you have mash. My monkeys lump to mash ratio isn't right.' the RV stops. Rex gives Jacob a last encouraging look and Jacob leads Rex out, pointing a device at him that was supposed to short out his nanites. The agents surround them keeping their weapons fixed on Rex.
The black agent steps forward. 'As agreed, Rex for your freedom. Black Knight always keeps her word.' Jacob leaves Rex and gets into the RV. The agents lead Rex towards the van. He waits for Jacob to drive a safe distance before making his smack hands and knocks some agents over.
He jumps into the air forms his punk busters and hits the ground, kicking some agents. He's about to jump again when Black agent kicks him over. Rex makes his sword and swings at black agent who blocks and knees him to the ground.
'Hey no kneeing.' he rolls out the way as the agents open fire on him and forms the block party making the bullets bounce off the force field.
Behind Rex, Black agent picks up a gun, but it's different to the standard issued guns. He aims and fires.
The bullet, that is more of a dart, flies towards the force field, it creates an electrical charge as it hits the shield and goes straight through hitting Rex in the neck. The grunts stop shooting as Rex's force field disappears.
Rex staggers a little and pulls out the dart, squinting at it. 'I don't want to go to school, porfavor.' he falls to the ground. Agents surround him as his world goes black.

Rex's eyes open as the Providence van goes over a bump. He stares at his hands which are cuffed with the white anti EVOs cuffs. The agents sit around Rex, weapons ready, watching his every move. Black Knight appears on the screen.
'I think you've been hanging out with white too long. You're picking up his habits.' Rex smirks
She ignores his comment, 'I know what you did to that family.'
'Yeah, what can I say. I'm a psycho EVO.'
'I did some research-'
'Wow, now you sound like white too.'
'And i discovered that you know that family. They helped you out a while ago and according to Six's report, made an impact on you. You really care about them.'
'So what?' Rex snaps, 'you've got me, they've done nothing.'
'I just wanted you to know that I know.'
'If you touch that family...'
She smiles then looks at Black agent, 'you have your orders. I'll see you back at base.' the screen switches off.
'Black!' Rex shouts. Something rams into the back of the van causing everyone to fall over. It slams a couple more times, some agents manage to get up and run to the weapons, opening fire on the attackers. The back doors start opening.
'Close those doors!' Black agent orders.
'We can't! Someone's hacked into our system.' An agent shouts back. Black agent looks at Rex, who innocently waves his hands in the air showing his cuffs still active. The attacker rams the vehicle again, the doors go all the way down to the street making sparks as the two vans race down the road.
Rex, looks up and see's Holiday driving. Six opens the top of the assault vehicle and climbs on the roof, swords ready, jacket flapping in the wind, his dark glasses assessing the situation.
'Rex, jump!' He shouts over the wind. Rex runs for the door but the Black agent grabs him. Holiday slams into the rear again forcing the agent to let Rex go to regain his balance. Rex gets ready to jump when Black Knight comes on the screen again.
'Rex, if you jump I will not only find and ruin Jacobs family, but everyone you care about. And I mean everyone. Starting with Noah and Ceasar.'
Rex stops at the door.

Holiday studies him, 'why isn't he jumping?'

Rex faces Black Knight, black agent has gotten up and is standing by the screen, hand on sword. 'I stay, you get what you want and everyone is left alone.'
She nods, 'You know you can't save them all.'
Rex steps back into the providence van, Black smiles. He turns one last time and looks at her, 'I can try.' he sprints for the door and jumps.
Mid air Black agents hand follows him and grabs him by the collar, yanking him back into the van.
Six jumps forward into the van kneeing an agent busy getting up, he swings his sword around towards Black agent. Black brings up his own sword and blocks Six, keeping a firm grasp on Rex with the other hand. He kicks Six away.
'I've studied your technique Six,' Black agent says in his gruff voice, 'you cannot defeat me.'
'I don't have to beat you. I just have to get the kid back.'
'In case anyone forgot, I'm still here.' Rex says trying to break free of the grip, 'Quiet a grip you've got there Blackie. I bet you do knuckle crunches right?'
Six jumps forward again, spinning around and bringing both his swords down, Black blocks the swords and throws a kick in there. Six ducks the kick and brings his sword up just in time to block Black swinging his sword up towards Six's face. Six flips backwards, jumps to the side and runs along the side of the van, jumps forward reaching for Rex, almost getting him. Black throws Rex to the far side of the van then dives out Six's way grabbing Rex again before he even knows what's going on.
'Ah common.' Rex moans.

Black Knight is in her office watching the whole thing on screen. She speaks into a radio, 'How long until they reach the checkpoint?'
'3 minutes.' comes a reply
'good.' she touches her ear piece, 'Keep them in the transporter.'

Black agent nods and throws Rex at Six. While Six is pummelled by Rex, he runs and hits the close door button. The door start closing and Black agent stands between them and the exit. Six touched his ear piece receiving a message from Holiday and turns to Rex.
'There's an army waiting for us.' he slices Rex's cuffs off.
'So let's take this party somewhere else.' Rex makes his boogie pack, Six jumps on and they go full speed towards Black agent. Black jumps, flipping over them landing on the other side. He watches as Rex and Six land on the attacking vehicle which U turns disappearing into the bushes.

At the safe house Rex crashes on a couch.
Holiday sits opposite him, 'Circe and Skwydd are being briefed by White for a mission he has for them.'
'Another mission, already?'
'We're busy.' she smiles, but Rex doesn't smile back. 'Rex, now that Black hasn't got the Omega nanite, all her research slows down. And I mean all of it. You did a good job.'
'Yeah but Doc, she threatened to go after my friends. To go after Ceasar.'
'Ceasar is too important for her research. She won't touch him. As for the others, we'll take care of them.'
Rex smiles, 'Thanks doc.' he stands up, 'got any pizza? I've been living off prison food and sandwiches, I'm starved.' They walk out the room laughing.

Back at Providence base, Black Knight accompanied by a few agents, march down the corridor and into a lab. Ceasar is busy working on a machine.
He doesn't look up while he talks, 'I've managed to isolate the bonds between nanite and host. With the proper power and programming we can send commands to any nanite, active or not.'
'Ceasar,' Black Knights says calmly, 'your services are no longer required.'
He stops working and looks up, 'I'm confused, you're firing me?' the agents surround him.
'More like terminating your services.'
The agents aim their weapons at Ceasar.

The End
this is the second part of the story. if it continues it'll be in another 'episode' so to speak.
hope you enjoy

Part 1

Bygones (Ceasars account of the nanite event and Rex's accident)
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